The Software Crashes

Does the Software Crash upon Launch?

If the software simply fails to launch, or crashes immediately upon launching, please follow the solutions listed in the support article below.

The Software Fails to Launch

Contacting Support

Contact Us From Within the App

If the software can start properly, but crashes during operation, please first ensure that you are using the latest version of the Logic 2 software. If that doesn't solve the crashes, please feel free to reach out to us from within the app (if the app allows). We will follow up with your request via email.

When contacting us from within the app, we will be interested in the following information.

  • Which product(s) you were using when the software crashed

  • Indicate if this is a new problem or if you have always experienced this problem.

  • Describe what you were doing when the crash/bug occurred. For example, did it occur at the beginning / during / after a capture? Is the crash/bug repeatable? If so, what are the steps leading up to the crash?

  • Include any other relevant information not listed above that might help us uncover the bug. The app allows you to submit a screenshot of the app-view in case that helps.

Contact Us via our Contact Form

If the software crashes prevent you from sending in your support request, please contact us directly with the following information.

  • The information requested above under the "Contact Us From Within the App" section

  • Your machine ID (instructions below)

Getting your Machine ID
  • A copy of the software logs generated by the Logic 2 app during the crash (instructions below)

Getting your Software Crash Logs
  • A copy of your console output (instructions below)

Getting the Console Output
  • The operating system used, the version of OS, and if it is 32-bit or 64-bit. On Linux, also include the kernel version "uname -r" and the name of the window manager if it's not stock.

Logic 1.x

The following information applies to the older Logic 1.x software.

Common Solutions

Please try the following solutions first before contacting support.

  • Please try installing the latest version of Logic 1.x available below.

Logic 1.x Download
  • If the Logic software runs fine while the Logic hardware is not connected, but crashes immediately after the Logic hardware is connected to the PC, you may be running into the issue described in the support article below. This issue is solved by downloading the latest version of Logic 1.x as described above.

Error Function: Device2::SetupDevice
  • Remove all active protocol analyzers

    • This solution may help when the software crashes immediately after the Start button is clicked, and might indicate a buggy protocol analyzer.

  • Remove unused channels

  • Disable 'Decoded Protocol Search' (Options -> Preferences -> Capture Tab)

  • Run the Logic software as administrator

  • Delete the settings.xml file. It may be corrupt. See instructions below.

Before you can find and delete settings.xml, make the file visible first.

The settings.xml file can be located below.

On Vista/7/8/10:
    C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Saleae LLC\Logic\settings.xml
On XP:
    C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Saleae LLC\Logic\settings.xml
On Linux:
    Inside the folder with the Logic executable in the Settings folder.

Contacting Support

When contacting support, please include the following information.

  • Results of the tests under 'Common Solutions' above

  • Saleae Logic software version (found in the software title bar)

  • The operating system used, the version of OS, and if it is 32-bit or 64-bit.

    On Linux, also include the kernel version "uname -r" and the name of the window manager if it's not stock.

  • Which product(s) you were using when the software crashed

  • The USB host controllers installed in your computer

    On Windows, open Device Manager and expand the section "Universal Serial Bus Controllers." Send a screenshot of the contained items or a listing of all host controllers found in the list.

    On Linux, pipe the output of "lspci" to a file.

    This can be skipped on OSX, which exclusively uses Intel series host controllers.

  • If you are unable to capture with a device, please test the device on another computer.

  • Indicate if this is a new problem or if you have always experienced this problem when using the Logic software.

  • Describe what you were doing when the crash/bug occurred.

    Did it occur at the beginning / during / after a capture?

    Is the crash/bug repeatable? If so, what are the steps leading up to the crash?

  • Include a zipped copy of the crash logs on your computer. Instructions are provided below.

Getting your Software Crash Logs
  • Include any other relevant information not listed above that might help us uncover the bug.

  • We may ask you to provide the console output from the application. In this case, here are the steps in the link below.

Getting the Console Output

Last updated