Extension File Format

Extensions are composed of at least three files, extension.json, readme.md, and one or more python files. The Logic 2 software uses Python version 3.8.

extension.json File Layout

A single extension can contain multiple high level analyzers, measurements, or both.

This example is a for a single extension that contains one high level analyzer and one digital measurement.

  "version": "0.0.1",
  "apiVersion": "1.0.0",
  "author": "Mark Garrison",
  "description": "Utilities to measure I2C speed and utilization",
  "name": "I2C Utilities",
  "extensions": {
    "I2C EEPROM Reader": {
      "type": "HighLevelAnalyzer",
      "entryPoint": "I2cUtilities.Eeprom"
    "I2C clock speed measurement": {
      "type": "DigitalMeasurement",
      "entryPoint": "I2cUtilities.I2cClock",
      "metrics": {
        "i2cClockSpeed": {
          "name": "I2C Clock Speed",
          "notation": "N MHz"
        "i2cBusUtilization": {
          "name": "I2C Bus Utilization",
          "notation": "N %"

The author, description, and name properties manage what appears in the Extensions panel where the extensions are managed.

The extensions section describes each high level analyzer or measurement that is contained in this extension package.

In the example above, there are 2 extensions listed.

  "extensions": {
    "I2C EEPROM Reader": {
      "type": "HighLevelAnalyzer",
      "entryPoint": "I2cUtilities.Eeprom"
    "I2C clock speed measurement": {
      "type": "DigitalMeasurement",
      "entryPoint": "I2cUtilities.I2cClock",
      "metrics": {
        "i2cClockSpeed": {
          "name": "I2C Clock Speed",
          "notation": "N MHz"
        "i2cBusUtilization": {
          "name": "I2C Bus Utilization",
          "notation": "N %"

There are three different types of extension here, as indicated by the type property. "HighLevelAnalyzer", "DigitalMeasurement", and "AnalogMeasurement". There are some differences between these types.

Type: HighLevelAnalyzer

Type: AnalogMeasurement and DigitalMeasurement

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