Get a Quote

You can click on the link below to submit a quote request form. Once submitted, please allow some time (typically one business day) and we will reach out to you via email with your quote in PDF format.

Quote Request Form Not Working?

If the quote request form is somehow not working on your end, please contact support and send in the following information.

Information Required for Quote

  • Email address

  • How will you place your order? (select an option below)

  • Products and Quantity

  • Shipping City and Country

  • Shipping Option (select an option below)

    • Use Saleae's shipping account - shipping costs will be added to the quote

    • Use your own shipping account (only via PO)

Optional Information

  • Shipping Carrier & Account Number (only if placing a PO)

  • Full Name

  • Company Name

  • Shipping Address

  • Billing Address

  • Phone Number

What Products are available for Purchase?

For reference, you may refer to the list of products we sell below.

Part Numbers, ECCN, HS Codes, and Country of Origin

Placing a Purchase Order?

If you plan on placing a purchase order, please review the requirements and process below before submitting your quote:

Place a Purchase Order (PO)

Last updated