
Installation ErrorsThe Software Fails to LaunchThe Software CrashesLogic is Not DetectedGetting your Machine IDGetting your Software Crash LogsGetting the Console OutputLocation of Your Config FileError Message: ReadTimeoutThe Captured Data Looks IncorrectThe Captured Data is CorruptedA Protocol Analyzer Produces Unexpected ResultsThe 'Waiting for Trigger' Window Never ClosesDevice USB VID and PID InformationError Message: Out of Memory Exception Was ThrownPC Performance Issues with LogicData Export Is Not WorkingError Message: A device was found, but the software was unable to access itTrouble Downloading the Latest SoftwareLogic Does Not Connect over USB 3.0Why Am I Seeing Spikes in the Digital Capture?Logic Interferes with My Circuit OperationThe Add Analyzer Menu Is Not DisplayingOther Drivers Interfere with Logic's OperationThe Maximum Sample Rate is Not SelectableThe Digital and Analog Recording on the Same Channel Appear DifferentAdvanced USB Debugging for USB 3.0 Users with Linux Kernels 3.3 and OlderSaving or Loading Anything Crashes the SoftwareError Message: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005)Memory Usage with Triggered CapturesThe Cabinet File has an Invalid Digital Signature (Logic 1.x)Software Crashes with Virtual DesktopsPre-Trigger Buffer is IncompleteLinux Shared Memory CrashMissing Files: api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll or msvcp140.dllKnown Issues on OS XA Measurement Appears IncorrectAll Known IssuesUSB 3.0 Cable Customer Notice (2017)Warning Message: Logic Pro is running as a USB 2.0 deviceSoftware Issues with Encryption ProductsLinux Permission Requirements for Logic SoftwareMy Rise Time and Fall Time Measurements Seem IncorrectThe Analog Waveform Loads Very Slowly after Capture Is CompleteInput Channels are MissingExported MATLAB File Does Not OpenSaleae Logic LED Blinks RedCrashes Caused by macOS Mojave (10.14)Troubleshooting Signal CrosstalkError Message: DeviceSetupFailureError Message: Unable to detect WebGL and Other GPU IssuesWarning Message: Unsupported VersionError Function: Device2::SetupDeviceWarning Message: Possible USB Host Controller Problem DetectedError Message: StartCommandErrorLogic 2 Error MessagesPC Detection TestCentOS Compatibility IssuesError Message: Failed to Load ExtensionCSV Export is SlowSet an Analyzer Starting Point in your CaptureLogic 2 is Consuming Disk SpaceConnection Conflicts with USB DebuggersPC Restart Causes Logic to DisconnectHLA Fails to Display Special CharactersData Table Shows Incorrect ValuesError Message: Failed to Load Custom AnalyzerError Message: Capture StoppedError Loading Marketplace ExtensionsError: Capture stopped because backlog data exceeded 90%This Analyzer's Native Export is Not Supported in Logic 2Mouse Scrolling IssuesError: A device was found, but it was removed before initialization completedError: An unknown error occurred during device connectionVisual Studio Error: Failed to Launch Debug AdapterVS Code Fails to Launch Python Automation API ScriptAnalog Waveforms Do Not Appear on LinuxReinstall USB Host Controller Drivers

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