Community Shared Analyzers
The following analyzers are not officially supported nor developed by Saleae, but instead, were kindly shared by our community of users. Please contact us if you need any help. Also, If you have your own analyzer you would like to see featured here, let us know!
Community Shared Low Level Analyzers (LLAs)
CAN-FD (developed by pierremolinaro)
I2C Analyzer (with built-in glitch rejection)
I3C Analyzer (developed by xyphro)
NEC IR Remote Control (developed by LiveOverflow)
NEC IR Remote Control (developed by kodizhuk)
QSPI (Quad SPI) (developed by AddioElectronics)
Installing a Low Level Analyzer
The instructions for installing an analyzer is described in the article below.
Import Custom Low Level AnalyzerIn case the library file (.dll, .so, or .dylib depending on your OS) is not provided in the respective GitHub repository, then you will need to build it.
Building the Analyzer
Some of the community analyzers listed above are distributed as source code (not including the required library file) and will require our Protocol Analyzer SDK in the article below to compile it and build the appropriate library file for that analyzer.
Protocol Analyzer SDKCommunity Shared Protocol Tools
UsbInsight - USB LS/FS Decoder for Saleae Logic CSV Exports
Last updated