Logic 1.x Changelog (Deprecated)
Last updated
Last updated
Starting October of 2022, Saleae has released a new hardware revision of our Logic analyzers which requires the latest version of the Logic 2 software available here. This newer revision of the hardware will no longer work with our legacy Logic 1.x software.
Changes in 1.2.40:
Adds support for revision 3.0.0 Logic hardware. More information on hardware revisions can be found in the link below.
Remove support for Decoded Protocols panel / table due to technical issues. You will notice that the checkbox for it is grayed out under Preferences > Capture.
Changes in 1.2.29 Beta:
New calibration filter implementation, should speed up analog processing by about 2.5x
Fixed bug in auto-update system
Fixed bug in the analyzer minimum sample rate warning systeAbout Real-Time Display (versions 1.2.23 - 1.2.29)
Changes in 1.2.28 Beta:
Increased USB failure logging
Minor changes
Changes in 1.2.27 Beta:
Bug Fixes:
rolled out auto-update for MacOS and Linux
JTAG analyzer no longer crashes the software for extremely long Shift IR/DR sequences, usually from FPGA bitstreams.
Changes in 1.2.26 Beta:
New Features:
Improved software update process for Windows. (Mac and Linux coming soon)
Internal - finished test coverage of features in last release.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed crash bug caused by starting the software with a Logic Pro 8 or Pro 16 connected over USB 2.0.
Changes in 1.2.25 Beta:
New Features:
Added Async RGB Led Analyzer. (supports single-wire LED protocols - WS2811, WS2812B, WS2813, TM1809, TM1804, UCS1903, LPD1886. Feedback welcome!)
made it easier to drag analog channels
made vertical scrollbars more visible in 4 areas
Bug Fixes:
fixed issue with editing units for the trigger pulse width and for the glitch filter.
Changes in 1.2.24 Beta:
New features:
The UI is now responsive during the capture. However, analyzers cannot be edited during a capture, and the options menu is disabled.
Protocol search now works during the capture (if a trigger is used, protocol processing starts when the trigger is found)
Changes in 1.2.23 Beta:
New Features:
Data is now displayed live pre-trigger
Added "Skip Trigger" feature, which lets the user manually trigger a capture.
Changed software defaults to be more useful
Bug Fixes:
dialogs and popovers should now work with tiling window managers on Linux.
Modbus analyzer issue would cause garbage strings, fixed.
Fixed bug in data_export2 socket command regarding binary exports.
Known Issues:
After a capture is complete, the annotations sidebar is inconveniently scrolled
stop_capture socket command not working in the beta branch currently.
If a Pro 16 is connected over USB 2.0, the software can crash under certain circumstances. This is fixed internally and should be fixed in 1.2.25.
Changes in 1.2.22 Beta:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed crash introduced in last version when the device 'could not keep up'.
Fixed crash where pressing Ctrl+R during the capture would crash the software.
Changes in 1.2.21 Beta:
New Features:
Converted the capture progress dialog from a modal dialog into a sidebar panel.
During captures, the start button now becomes a cancel/stop button.
During captures, the live stripchat view now supports zooming in and out. Pan position is fixed to the latest data.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed trigger crash caused by setting the pre-trigger buffer to zero samples.
Fixed crash bug in graph rendering that held up stripchart zoom.
Changes in 1.2.20 Beta:
Bug Fixes:
Analog values in CSV exports have the correct display precision.
Analog values exported as ADC samples (integers) no longer have decimal points.
Crash bug fixed in MATLAB export, the software would crash if the starting sample index was larger than an unsigned 32 bit integer. Affected captures where considerable time passed before the trigger was detected.
command line argument now works properly on Linux and MacOS.
Crash bug fixed in pulse width trigger, which could crash pulses that spanned multiple USB data transfers. Bonus, the trigger is now covered with unit tests! This was a long time coming.
Changes in 1.2.19 Beta:
New Features:
First release of basic stripchart display. This keeps the latest 5 seconds of capture on the display during the recording. This is a minimal version of the new feature, and does not yet support changing the zoom level.
Changes in 1.2.18:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed crash issue when simulating the parallel analyzer with Logic 4.
Fixed clock reset problem with Logic 8, introduced in 1.2.15. For some customers, the Logic 8 was unable to record digital data under specific situation.
New Features:
Added ability to cancel a save capture operation in progress by pressing escape.
Changes in 1.2.17:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed crash bug affecting the capture settings. Software would crash if only Analog channels are enabled and the capture duration was specified in samples, not in seconds or milliseconds.
Changes in 1.2.16:
Increased device throughput for all Logic Pro devices via Firmware & FPGA update. All Pro 8s and Pro 16s ever shipped support the higher throughout.
Added new Sample rates via FPGA update. Pro devices now support sampling at 250 MS/s and 125 MS/s. All Pro devices ever shipped support this.
This supports:
6 channels @ 500 MS/s. (previously 4 channels)
12 channels @ 250 MS/s. (250 MS/s was not previously available)
All 16 channels @ 125 MS/s (previously limited to 100 MS/s)
The Logic Pro 8 can run all 8 channels at 250 MS/s, previously limited to 100 MS/s.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue with memory usage estimator - when specifying the duration of the capture in samples, instead of time, when both analog and digital channels were enabled, the estimated memory usage was considerably higher than reality.
Known Issues:
The higher throughput of the Pro devices changes the available sample rates for each given performance level. This may cause issues with saved setup files, and users of the socket automation API who have hardcoded the selected sample rate and performance option. This only affects captures with both analog and digital channels enabled at the same time. This should result in saved setup files failing to apply the saved sample rate settings, but other applicable settings will still load. The socket command set_sample_rate
will NAK for sample rates that are not listed in get_all_sample_rates
Changes in 1.2.15:
Support for Logic 8, Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16 Revision 2 PCBs (incremental component change, no new capabilities)
Modbus Analyzer - added support for no parity bit and one stop bit
LIN Analyzer - raised max bitrate for special applications to 1 mbps
Added the full path to calibration files to the preferences dialog
Bug Fixes:
1-Wire Analyzer did not return to normal speed from overdrive after a full length reset
Analyzer core - fixed bug in ConvertToSignedNumber that broke down for 32 bit or wider sgined words (I2S analyzer was affected)
Instantaneous measurement settings were not completely saved due to serialization issue
HDLC Analyzer - issue with CRCs and escape bytes fixed
Export bugs fixed when exporting digital data from a mixed-mode capture, when the LCM of the analog and digital sample rates was larger than the digital sample rate. CSV and binary export modes affected, timestamps and sample numbers.
Changes in 1.2.14:
Bug Fixes:
Analyzer export dialog would not function properly under specific settings and initial conditions. Now working properly.
Fixed another issue when loading a saved setup file, related to the enabled channels in the setup file and the enabled channels in the software.
Fixed bug in scripting API, where if an invalid analyzer index was passed to export_analyzer, the software could crash. Now it NAKs properly.
Fixed bug in scripting API, there was a race condition in is_analyzer_complete, that could return true if the analyzer had just started, but not yet reported its progress. This also required a trigger to be used, and for the pre-trigger buffer to be at least completely filled.
Other changes:
Console output now indicates if the socket server was able to successfully bind to the listening port - useful for debugging issues with the scripting API.
The device ID on the device calibration tab is now copy & paste-able.
Modbus analyzer - now properly supports all parity modes, and added indicators for stop bit and parity bits.
Changes in 1.2.13:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug on MacOS - if an error occurred when a device was connected, the device would not reconnect after subsequent attempts until the software was restarted.
Fixed bug on MacOS - on the latest MacOS release, on some computers, the device would not reliably connect to the software on each attempt.
Fixed bug when loading setups - software would crash when loading a setup file that used channels that were not currently enabled, under specific but common circumstances.
Fixed bug when loading setups - the enabled channels of Logic Pro 16 would not load when the device was plugged in over USB 2.0.
Other changes:
Improvement in USB host controller identification on Windows 10, friendly device name now displayed instead of driver name. (only affects customer support issues)
Optimization in analyzer bubble rendering path - mainly affects certain 3rd party analyzers.
Lin Analyzer now includes more information in the results when a checksum mismatch is detected.
Changes in 1.2.12:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed negative edge marker would not appear on yellow channels when color mode was enabled.
Fixed I2C analyzer bug, where decoding would go wrong when decoding during the capture process.
Fixed bug when exporting all channels of analog, over all time, when no digital channels were present. Only affected Socket API.
Fixed bug in Analyzer SDK Advance functions. It would break when moving more than 32 bits forward without changes due to U32 overflow.
Fixed bug in SPI analyzer that would crash the software if long periods of inactivity were recorded.
added extra check if thread should exit to SPI anayzer to fix issue where one particular caoture couldn't abort the SPI analyzer due to a specific data pattern.
Linux - statically link OpenSSL, now working properly on Fedora and other distros.
Windows - now including a copy of OpenSSL for QT, solving an unknown issue for several customers.
Changes in 1.2.11:
UNI/O analyzer working again.
UNIO analyzer - fixed issue where reset pulses would not be detected if the analyzer was not in the initial state.
Added exit check to USB analyzer - previously the USB analyzer couldn't be removed or restarted until it was done processing.
Fixed two issues in I2C analyzer in regards to missing ACK/NAK fields.
bug fix - bookmark display time was not offset for the trigger sample.
Fixed bug in timing marker names. It used to roll around like this: A,B,C...X,Y,Z,AA and then get stuck back at a single B due to a sorting problem. Now fixed.
Linux - fixed race condition that would cause the save capture progress dialog to never close when saving exceptionally small files
Linux: added "-workingdir" command line option to set file read/write location. The directory must already exist. Usage: ./Logic -workingdir ~/saleae
Updated UI framework to latest version.
Fixed UI problem that caused some UI elements to vanish on MacOS Sierra, for all users.
Changes in 1.2.10:
Big Fixes:
bug fix - analog export, raw ADC values now exported as integers instead of decimals.
bug fix - LIN analyzer. fixed identification of long break fields that occur after an incomplete packet.
bug fix - loading files. now file extension case is ignored.
bug fix - link in preferences for "more info" in host controllers was broken.
Linux build system - updated to Ubuntu 14, reduced dependencies.
Changes in 1.2.9:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue with instantaneous measurement - when measuring the width of the last digital pulse in the capture, the measurement would either fail to display or it would falsely interpret the end of the capture as a transition.
We now dual-sign the Windows installer, using both a SHA-1 and SHA 256 signature algorithm. This allows the installer to function properly on older versions of Windows (XP and Vista do not recognize SHA256 signatures) as well as the latest version of Microsoft's Edge browser.
New Features:
Moved JTAG analyzer into a separate, open source github repository. After additional changes, we will move all of our analyzer sources into this model.
Removed beta branding from the software and merged beta branch back into the master branch.
Changes in 1.2.8:
Bug Fixes:
Fix - previously, when loading a saved file that had enabled glitch filters, the glitch filter would not apply until it was reset. Now it applies correctly.
Fix - under specific circumstances, the glitch filter could introduce 0 length pulses into the data, causing problems with the display and analyzers when enabled. It now works properly.
Fix - software no longer crashes when editing a glitch filter on a channel that is assigned to a in-active analyzers
Fix - exporting analog and digital data to CSV no longer crashes when sample numbers exceed 32 bit integers.
The existing command line option "-disablepopups" now correctly blocks the opt-in dialog on first run.
Updated Windows code signing cert to use a SHA256 hash algorithm. This removes issue when downloading installer with IE 11.
New features:
Added new socket command "EXIT" to close software.
Added new command line option "-socket" to start softwarewith socket server enabled.
Added new command line option "-uploaderrors" to automatically upload any error reports when software is launched, and auto-dismiss error uploader.
Changes in 1.2.7:
Please note - 1.2.6 was a quiet pre-release. If you are updating from 1.2.5, please review the notes for both 1.2.6 and 1.2.7.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed data export bug - exporting an empty capture will no longer crash
Fixed issue introduced in 1.2.6, crash on Windows when launched in full screen mode.
Added scroll bar to preferences dialog so the window does not grow vertically with the number of installed USB hosts
Fixed bug in USB analyzer search results - no longer missing data bytes in search results
Fixed analog & digital Mixed CSV export - previously there were serious issues with this export format
Fixed bug in CSV export of just analog data - header was missing
Added support for socket API to NAK when file load failed
New bug:
Introduced bug that would cause header duplication with TSV export of analog data
Changes in 1.2.6:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed set of bugs regarding mixed mode (analog & digital) captures where the digital sample rate was not an integer multiple of the analog sample rate. Significant changes.
Fixed set of bugs regarding the trigger, where certain trigger combinations could crash the software
Fixed bug in Logic that would cause the software to crash when the trigger condition was found and certain analyzers were active
Fixed crash when SWD analyzer ran on a capture started using a trigger
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer - sync frame is now correctly 13 bits.
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer export - no longer includes inter byte space, and is now correctly
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer export - fixed packet ID
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer - checksum calculation is now correct
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer - upper 2 bits of POD were not properly masked in export.
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer export - packet received after partial packet did not export properly, and partial packets are also exported properly
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer - if a data byte also happened to be equal to a valid checksum, the packet would prematurely end.
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer - clasic identifiers 0x3C and 0x3D in LIN 2.0 mode are now properly decoded.
Fixed bug in USB annalyzer - crash under specific data conditions
Fixed bug with Windows maximize on Windows OSes where multiple monitors were used.
Fixed bug where samples processed progress display was off by a factor of 1000.
Fixed bug where the analog channels would not select the correct voltage range for display
Fixed issue in Socket API - performance level now uses values that matches the GUI (100, 80, 60, 40, 20) and not older values (100, 50, 33, 25, 20 )
Added debug print statements to the export2 socket command. Monitor the console output of the software when debugging export2 command issues.
New bug:
Introduced bug on Windows OSes where the software was closed and restarted in full screen mode, which would cause a crash.
Changes in 1.2.5:
New Feature:
Added all new socket export command that replaces the old socket export command, fixes all socket export issues.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed trigger crash when analyzers are present (introduced 1.2.4)
Fixed bug where analyzer "reset starting sample" menu option would be disabled after changing tabs
Protocol search progress no longer says "NAN"
When sampling very slowly, the progress dialog will show units smaller than millions.
the "next transition" button at the right edge of each digital channel now moves out of the way when the vertical scroll bar is present.
Protocol search export now includes the user edited names of each analyzer, instead of the analyzer proper name.
Fixed crashes on device connection on windows where USB host controller did not respond to command. Now a warning message is displayed.
Fixed crash when a capture ends with 0 samples collected, when a trigger and analyzers were present
Fixed software lockup when a capture ends with 0 samples collected, and a trigger was present (but no analyzers)
Changes in 1.2.4:
New bug:
Software will crash if a trigger is used when one or more analyzers have been added to the capture, and the pre-trigger buffer completely fills before the trigger condition is detected.
New Features:
Added user selectable digital noise filter (supports all products)
The I2C analyzer detects missing ACK/NAK bits and displays a warning.
Added easy reset button to all trigger popovers
Added puse width trigger support to socket API
Added feature to JTAG to count clocks
Start analyzer at timing marker X now is persistent, and supports any timing marker
added overdrive-only support to the 1-wire analyzer
Largest firmware update for Pro devices since launch. Dramatic stability improvements over USB 3.0.
Pro devices now consume less power when not recording, and run much cooler.
Bug Fixes:
Manchester analyzer has max bit rate of only 6 Mbit. Fixed internally, will be out in next release.
Memory estimator broken for captures with less than 1 analog sample estimated, when analog channels are active (fixed, will be released soon)
CEC analyzer looses sync if there is a false end of message without mrore data. (fixed, will be released soon)
1-wire analyzer does not support overdrive only parts. (fixed, will be released soon)
On OSX, USB timing errors can cause the software to crash when capturing over USB 3.0 (Fixed, will release soon)
On all platforms, certain USB failures will prevent further captures from working until the device is removed and reconnected (fixed, will release soon)
When exporting a combination of analog and digital data from a capture started from a trigger, the sample number or sample time display will not read correctly (fixed, will be released soon)
Fixed crash when Socket API client disconnected before response was sent
If socket API capture to file fails to write to the file due to a permissions error, it NAKs instead of ACKs now
fixed pulse width trigger issue, will now trigger if no max pulse length is specified, and the pulse never ends.
fixed bug in Socket API get analyzers & export functions. proper indexes now used
Fixed bug in ARM SWD analyzer
Fixed voltage measurement bug
fixed data export issue not respecting start time when a trigger was used to create the capture
Fixed bug where it was possible for the software to open partially off screen
Fixed OSX crash when the application would be AppNap'ed (TM) while capturing
Fixed bug where on OSX the software would crash if launched by double-clicking a *.logicsettings file
Changes in 1.2.3:
Fixed issue introduced in 1.2.2 regarding Logic Classic performance above 12 MSPS.
Added USB host specific 'quarks' support. Reset pipe now skipped only for ETRON and VIA host controllers on Windows.
Added additional debug data to improve diagnosis from remaining capture related crashes
Fixed crash bug in API when setting active channels and the trigger while the device settings popover is open
Fixed crash bug in API when setting a trigger with required states but no event(edge or pulse) defined
Fixed issue introduced in 1.2.0 that would potentially load the incorrect voltage mode on Logic16 classic when first connected.
Fixed crash when loading older save files saved on systems with custom analyzers, but loaded on systems without the custom analyzers
Fixed crash bug in API when exporting data over a file that is not currently accessible. Also suppressed warning pop-up when called from the API 9. Fixed display issue where protocol frames would appear incorrectly over graph at the start of a capture
The graphs now update as data is processed without user intervention. Previously, the graphs would only show newly processed data when the user moved the display.
Fixed issue regarding channel labels not updating properly after a channel settings reset.
Fixed issue when capturing with the API. the error dialog is suppressed and the sample rate is not automatically reduced
Fixed issue when exporting analog data. The end of the sample range is now correctly respected in all export cases
Fixed Crash bug when sampling via an API call, and then the socket is disconnected before the capture completes.
Fixed API command set_capture_seconds
Fixed crash bug regarding analog voltage measurement display issue
Fixed integer overflow crash bug in analog display system that occurs in very long, high speed analog captures.
UX - now disabling protocol search results export when all analyzers have been disabled from the search results menu
Fixed crash bug in the API when requesting progress when no session is active
Fixed API bug regarding export time span
Changes in 1.2.2:
First Windows update since 1.1.34. Change logs for 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 only include changes that affected OSX and Linux, some changes can be found in those lists, some here.
The jump from 1.1.34 to 1.2.2 represents about 6 months of development. This change log is not complete, and is just a highlight of the changes made. The development focused on bug fixing and stability. It also included lower sample rate support for analog channels to support long term data logging applications (tested up to 24 hours). It also includes the missing features from Logic 4 to allow digital-only captures. It also includes the update to QT5.4.1, a dramatically newer version of the cross platform UI framework we use. This in itself fixed a number of UI issues.
Switched to Dynamic QT5 due to bug in another required library on Windows. (affects Windows only) We will switch back to static once the bug is fixed in September. This also affects custom analyzer on Windows
Serious improvements in debugability of crash reports, better debug data and automated crash processing here at Saleae.
Updated timing restrictions in Atmel Single Wire Interface analyzer (SWI) and added support for newer commands
Fixed bug in calculation of narrowest pulse width in digital measurement
Fixed analog binary export and added format overview
Logic 4 now supports digital only captures at several sample rates.
Added lower sample rates (10 Hz to 125 KHz) to all new products to support long term recording with lower memory usage.
As mentioned in 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 change logs, data processing pipeline has massive bug fixes and improvements, focusing on proper trigger operation when analog channels are present, and multi-threaded processing of analog and digital data. The trigger also has performance improvements.
Fixed graphical bug in analog display
Fixed support for multiple instances of the software - previously protocol search results were not multi-instance compatible.
updated SPI analyzer protocol search results to display warnings and errors
Fixed bug in timing display for specific zoom levels
Fixed bug when enabling or disabling analyzers from the protocol search results
Fixed crash bug affecting specific host controllers where aborting a capture could take considerably longer than expected, causing the next capture to crash
Fixed UX issue where edited names of protocol analyzers in certain locations would not be displayed
Fixed bug in parallel analyzer - last frame now displayed
Fixed issue in JTAG analyzer with default bit order
Fixed issue where analyzers were not loaded from a logicsetup file when applying settings to an existing capture
Fixed issue with saved file name extensions
Fixed issue where Logic did not show up in Task Manager on Windows 7 (affected automation users)
Fixed display issue with analyzer processing percentage
Added Single Wire Debug (SWD) analyzer for ARM debuggers
Fixed byte ordering of SMBus analyzer
Fixed bug in UNIO analyzer
Fixed bug in LIN analyzer related to the tolerance of the size of the break field.
Fixed Modbus byte ordering affecting specific functions
Added new ROM command to 1-wire analyzer, alarm search.
API now waits for export to complete before sending ACK or NAK during export commands
Fixed issue where Ctrl+S could be used to save the capture before processing is complete
Fixed crash bug related to race condition when changing sessions
Fixed crash bug in API when setting the performance level in certain situations
Fixed Linux window manager specific issues with popovers, removed window manager specific code.
Updated the USB analyzer with several bug fixes
Fixed issue with graphical display of protocol search
Fixed flickering on OSX
Numerous UI fixes, including text display, keyboard focus, update frequency, and more
Added UI for limiting Transfer sizes on Linux - meant for troubleshooting older kernel issues.
Fixed threading crash bug in protocol search when using a number of analyzers at once.
And about 30 other things too minor to mention.
Changes in v1.2.1: (Linux and Mac only)
OSX Specific Changes:
UI performance is greatly improved!
Software no longer flickers on newer versions of OSX
Screenshots now work on newer versions of OSX
Software is now properly signed and should install without a warning.
Maximizing and minimizing now work properly.
Added support for scrolling left and right with a trackpad, as well as smooth trackpad control.
OSX build system updated to Yosemite
Added better crash reporting details to OSX
Linux Specific Changes:
Created new compatibility release for systems with older standard libraries, allowing us to continue to use more modern compilers while maintaining better backwards compatibility. (feedback welcome)
Added feature to allow successful USB 3.0 captures with older kernels (3.3 and older) This feature is in testing, and requires command line options. Please contact support for assistance if you are trying to use USB 3.0 ports on systems with older kernels.
Fixed underlying windowing issue that required window manager specific fixes. Software no longer switches on window manager.
Added additional details to usage reports (opt-in only)
Added memory allocation exception handling (in progress, mainly for crash data collection at this point)
Improved bug tracking, crash report analysis, crash and capture failure metrics.
New Features in 1.2.0: (Linux and Mac only)
Lower analog sample rates for all 4 products, down to 10 SPS
Digital only sample rates for Logic 4 for much longer digital recordings
Data processing should no longer get backlogged when using a trigger with an analog channel, allowing the trigger to be used when analog channels are active
Dramatic improvement in the digital processing speed, including multi-threading
Added features to Socket API to check for processing completion of capture and analyzers
Fixed multiple bugs in the Socket API
Updated numerous Analyzers with fixes and updated commands
Significant update to the UI framework, QT - updated from 4.8.1 to 5.4.1
Fixed an uncountable number of bugs!
Bugs fixed in 1.1.34:
Fixed bug where software would crash the second time you start a capture with an analyzer present.
Bugs fixed in 1.1.33:
Bug fixed preventing the Logic software from launching correctly on Windows 64-bit systems.
Bugs fixed in 1.1.32:
Fix for: Add 4 tabs with analyzers and data, delete the first tab. The software then crashes.
Fix for: Protocol search race condition that caused software to hang when loading a .logicdata file with disabled analyzers
Fix for: Software crashes when it does not have write/or read permissions in the folder
Fix for: Unable to drag the software across multiple monitors set up vertically.
Linux core file dumps are now compressed before uploaded.
Added option to upload usage statistics.
Fix for: Search string doesn't get erased or used after you click "show all results".
Fix for: High CPU utilization with protocol search
Fix for: Threading bugs on protocol search
Fix for: Software crashes if you copy analyzers from tab to tab in most cases
Fix for: Software crashes sometimes when lowering sample rate automatically ( after the dialog box pops up )
Fix for: Software sometimes crashes when capture is stopped very close to completion
Fix for: Software crashes when trying to load a .logicsettings file with more number of channels than currently active in the software
Fix for: Sometimes the timing display shows: "0 ms : 0 s : 200 us" the ms and s are swapped.
LED improvement - added off option.
Fix for: After saving a capture, the tab note doesn't change to the file name.
Analyzer SDK updated to work with latest version of software
Bugs Fixed in 1.1.31:
Fix for bug that caused search results to be empty when one of the analyzers were disabled All analyzers have search results now. Fix for - Duplicate results in SPI “Decoded Protocols” Fix for - Search string doesn't get erased or used after you click "show all results". Fix for - Software crashes when lowering sample rate automatically ( after the dialog box pops up ) Enabling and disabling channels will retain channel names Fix for - Software crashes sometimes when the capture is stopped at near end of completion LED settings has an OFF option Fix for - After saving a capture, the tab note doesn't change to the file name. Exporting only analog channels now works. Exporting of calibrated voltages is now supported for .csv files. Exporting data between timing markers is now supported. Fixed bug that would cause the software to freeze when loading a session. Updated Socket API to work with all supported function calls in SDK. Fixed bug where a measurement would not disappear when you hide the channel it was placed on. Fixed bug in OSX calibration where samples were not being lined up at all. Instantaneous measurement now shows up in screenshots created in the software. Channels names are now saved even when the channel no longer exists for the currently selected device. Measurements now default their name to the name of the channel they are placed on. Fix for - CPU utilization maxes out when Search is enabled. USB 3.0 support now working on Linux Added feature to enable all 16 channels of Logic Pro 16 when connected over USB 2.0. (note, this may require a powered USB 2.0 hub. Details in software preferences)
Bugs Fixed in 1.1.30
Crash bug when closing the device settings popover by clicking in the graph area with a capture active
High CPU usage even after data have finished processing and indexing for search
Switching tabs while protocol search was disabled caused crash
Bugs Fixed in 1.1.29
Bug preventing user from disabling some SPI channels
Crash bug when loading capture with unused analyzers
Protocol search: Overhaul fixing crash bugs when switching tabs, loading and saving, closing tabs, starting captures, and more
Crash bug when closing the device settings popover by clicking in the graph area with a capture active
Protocol search: Bug where changing tabs would overwrite enabled analyzers
Protocol search: Bug was that *.csv was not appended to file name
Digital processing speed for new products significantly improved. Processing with analog still slow; will no longer slow down digital in next release.
Re-enabled logic setup files
Fixed crash when stopping a capture before the trigger is active with one or more analyzers active
Calibration support added. Phase between digital and analog, DC accuracy, and analog frequency response now supported. See preferences dialog for calibration information about your device. It may be up to 1 week before all cal files are updated. See calibration documentation for more information.
Timing marker units now shown when not expanded.
Fixed issue where timing markers didn’t display properly when the trigger was used.
Fixed most common crash bug: integer sign error in analog measurement.
Updated HD44780 analyzer to support protocol results.
Fixed crash bug when changing capture settings before previous capture’s analyzers had finished.
Bugs Fixed in 1.1.28
Protocol bubbles and measurements are MUCH easier to read.
Added tool tips and shortcut info to menus.
Added preferences tab for calibration data .
Added disabled element UI support to performance selection.
Updated performance options to support 100, 80, 60, 40, and 20 percent.
Fixed bug where closing the trigger settings popover could crash the software.
Fixed bug with performance option no longer a valid message.
Fixed analyzer simulation crash bug for Logic 8 and the pro devices.
Fixed bug where changing the capture settings after capturing with an analyzer caused crashes.
Fixed bug where double-clicking a logicdata file didn't open that file.
Fixed bug where double-clicking the stop capture button crashed the software.
Fixed bug where software would crash if non-ASCII characters were in protocol search path.
Fixed analyzer simulation crash bug for all new products.
Fixed issue where software crashed when running on Windows with a username that has non-ASCII characters.
Bugs Fixed in 1.1.27
Bug added in 1.1.26 that caused software to crash on launch after upgrading from previous version, under common circumstances.
Fixed launch error "attempting to reference memory" affecting Windows 7 x64 users.
Bugs Fixed in 1.1.26
Fixed crash bug with sample rate performance options.
Fixed several display issues with voltage measurements.
Bug Fixes in 1.1.25
Logic 16 5V support has been re-implemented.
XFCE desktop where you couldn't edit timing duration.
Linux crash when run as root.
Bugs Fixed in 1.1.24
Added Logic 8 support.
UI issues with KDE desktop environment fixed.
Fixed load old file bug.
Pulse counters now use more than 4 characters to output result.
Capture save button now waits for capture to end.
Logic 4 firmware update.
Multiple issues with the settings popover.
Fixed Ubuntu 12.04 backward compatibility issue.
And many more!
Bugs Fixed in 1.1.23
Opening old save files now works.
Fixed bug where long captures would get corrupted.
Software now accurately calculates memory being used by the current capture.
Instantaneous measurement no longer displays when your mouse is over an analyzer bubble.
Fixed crash when simulating Logic 4 and then you plug in a device.
Fixed crash issues with Protocol Search disabled.
And many more!
New Features in 1.1.21+*
Logic 4 + 8 + Pro 8 + Pro 16 support
Drag N' Drop Channel Reordering
Channel selection
Scrollable channel area
Tons of new hotkeys and shortcuts
New voltage measurement tool for analog
Estimated memory usage now displayed in start popover
Processing progress for capture now displayed in titlebar
Various bug fixes