Export Data via Socket API

The following information pertains to our Legacy Socket API Automation utility for the older Logic 1.x software, which can be found below.

Automation API - Logic 2

Exporting Data Using the Python Wrapper

Below, we show example code specifying the proper parameters for export_data2() , which is used for exporting data via Socket API (our automation utility). This function comes from a 3rd party Python Wrapper for Socket API, which we recommend using for automating our software.

Note: For exporting data, please use export_data2(). Currently, export_data() is deprecated due to an update that increased the number of export options.

Common Argument Settings

The following sample arguments are taken directly from the export options available in the Logic software's data export window (Options -> Export data).

  • time_span=None will export all time

  • digital_channels=None, analog_channels=None will export all channels

  • delimiter = 'comma' | 'tab'

  • timestamp = 'time_stamp' | 'sample_number'

  • display_base = 'bin' | 'dec' | 'hex' | 'ascii' | 'separate'

  • analog_format = 'voltage' | 'adc'

The code for all available argument options can be found in the saleae.py library file.

Exporting to CSV

s.export_data2("/Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.csv", digital_channels=[2, 3], analog_channels=None, time_span=[0, 0.1], format='csv', column_headers=False, delimiter='comma', timestamp='time_stamp', display_base='separate', rows_per_change=True)

s.export_data2("/Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.csv", digital_channels=None, analog_channels=[2,3], time_span=[0, 0.1], format='csv', column_headers=True, delimiter='comma', analog_format='voltage')

Exporting to MATLAB

s.export_data2("/Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat", digital_channels=[2, 3], analog_channels=None, time_span=[0, 0.1], format='matlab')

s.export_data2("/Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat", digital_channels=[2, 3], analog_channels=[2,3], time_span=[0, 0.1], format='matlab', analog_format='voltage')

Exporting to Binary

Note: Either digital_channels or analog_channels must be set to 'None'. Binary export does not work when digital and analog channels are combined in a single export.

s.export_data2("/Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.bin", digital_channels=[2, 3], analog_channels=None, time_span=[0, 0.1], format='binary', each_sample=True, no_shift=True, word_size=16)

s.export_data2("/Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.bin", digital_channels=None, analog_channels=[2,3], time_span=[0, 0.1], format='binary', analog_format='adc')

Exporting to VCD

Note: Only digital channels can support VCD exports.

s.export_data2("/Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.vcd", digital_channels=[2, 3], analog_channels=None, time_span=[0, 0.1], format='vcd')

Exporting Data Using the Direct Socket Command

Below, we show example code specifying the proper parameters for export_data2 , which is used for exporting data via Socket API (our automation utility). This function comes from our list of supported socket commands. This is a more direct approach when automating the Logic software.

Note: For exporting data, please use export_data2 since currently, export_data is deprecated due to an update that increased the number of export options.

The general format of the command is as follows:

<file location>, 
<channel index> ANALOG | DIGITAL, ...,  <channel index> ANALOG | DIGITAL,
ALL_TIME | TIME_SPAN, <(double)start>, <(double)end>
BINARY, <binary settings> | CSV, <csv settings> | VCD | MATLAB, <matlab settings>

Examples When Exporting to VCD

Note: Only digital channels can support VCD exports. Using ALL_CHANNELS will only work if there are no analog channels enabled. Otherwise, it will throw an error. Due to this, it is recommended to use SPECIFIC_CHANNELS instead.

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.vcd, SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, 0 DIGITAL, ALL_TIME, VCD

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.vcd, SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, 0 DIGITAL, 1 DIGITAL, 2 DIGITAL, 3 DIGITAL, ALL_TIME, VCD

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.vcd, SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, 0 DIGITAL, 1 DIGITAL, 2 DIGITAL, 3 DIGITAL, TIME_SPAN, 0, 0.1, VCD

Examples When Exporting to CSV


Examples When Exporting to MATLAB

  • When both analog and digital channels are enabled:

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat, ALL_CHANNELS, ALL_TIME, MATLAB, ADC

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat, SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, ANALOG_AND_DIGITAL, 0 ANALOG, 0 DIGITAL, ALL_TIME, MATLAB, ADC

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat, SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, ANALOG_ONLY, 0 ANALOG, 1 ANALOG, 2 ANALOG, 3 ANALOG, ALL_TIME, MATLAB, VOLTAGE

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat, SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, DIGITAL_ONLY, 0 DIGITAL, 1 DIGITAL, 2 DIGITAL, 3 DIGITAL, ALL_TIME, MATLAB

  • When only digital channels are enabled:

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat, ALL_CHANNELS, ALL_TIME, MATLAB

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat, SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, 0 DIGITAL, 1 DIGITAL, 2 DIGITAL, 3 DIGITAL, ALL_TIME, MATLAB

  • When only analog channels are enabled:

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat, SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, 0 ANALOG, 1 ANALOG, 2 ANALOG, 3 ANALOG, ALL_TIME, MATLAB, ADC

export_data2, /Users/UserName/Desktop/my_file.mat, ALL_CHANNELS, ALL_TIME, MATLAB, VOLTAGE

Last updated